
My Own Fanfiction of Another..

Deviation Actions

crazyduckymomo's avatar

Literature Text

Cast of Characters:

Main Characters
Maka Crona Alburn.
Sub Main Charatcers
Niel Keiko.
Lyiod Riku.
Dax Zackarias.
Torao Kaito: Mr. Kaito: Gym Teacher.
Toma Slito: Mr. Slito: replacement Teacher for Miss Makato.
Minor Characters
Other Students/Clique/Parents/Citizens of the town.
Stephen Yagmi.
Ciel Bochan.
Kaya Makato: Miss. Makato: Teacher
Misao Mai.
McKaylin Haya.
Casonya Reika.
Nate Michaelis.
Doll Store Worker: Check Out Lady who does nothing.
Marcato Kayta: Subsitute.
The Kid On The Bike.
Group Of Friends.
Check Out Lady: Works at the drug store.
The Bus Driver.
House keeper:Butler.
Elfen Soul Evans

Act One Scene One:

Set in 1999 at a private school in Pennsylvannia. Maka Alburn,the new student is in the back of the classroom, in her chair. Watching Dax Zackarias and Lyiod Riku argue about who's hotter, Misao Mai, or Mckaylin Haya.
(Dax Zackarias says to Lyiod Riku while he stands up and walks over to throw his trash away from his lunch.)
Dax Zackarias: "I think Misao Mai's way hotter!"
Lyiod Riku: No...Well Oh kay, but still, even though Misao maybe hot, McKaylin Haya is so much hotter."
(Lyiod and Dax exchanges seats since they were in eachother's seats for lunch.)
Dax: "Fine, What ever, but I still think Misao's hotter, but think what you think I can't stop you from thinking McKaylin's hotter."
(They both sit down.)
Lyiod: "I'm going to take that as in if you are giving up and agreeing with me."
Dax: "No I never agr..."
(Kaya Makato their teacher who they call Miss Makato walks into the room and interupts everyone.)
Miss Makato: "Everyone Shut up, it's almost time for class. Now get in all your seats so we can begin class shortly.
(Everyone who was in the classroom got to their seats and waited for the rest of the class to get into the classroom. Maka, Dax, and lyiod keep talking since they are already in their seats.)
Maka: Guys shut it! they're both hot, oh kay?!"
(Everyone else walks in and sits down as Maka finishes her statement, and the Miss Makato uses her broad voice to the whole class)
Miss Makato: "Everyone quite down, Class is in session!"
-Everyone quites down, and Miss Makato passes out a pop quiz. The class complain and boo as Miss Makato finishes passing the quiz out, but Miss Makato turns around and stares at the class, which makes them quite down real quick. Everyone begins on the quiz, but shortly after they begin, Maka, Dax, and Lyiod all look at eachother; make faces at eachother and laughs quitely.-
Miss Makato: "I said no talking!"
(Miss Makato demands, and everyone jumps a little, but goes back to their quizes quitely.)
-Everyone begins to finish their quizes, and after the last person hands theirs in the bell rings and everyone pushes and shoves to get out of the room to get to Gym.  Maka sits in her seat and waits until everyone is out of the room. She grabs her things and heads out of the room, she tries to find Dax and Lyiod, but can't find them.-
(Maka thinks to herself: "The teacher must have yelled at them for waiting for me outside, so they must have just went to Gym.")
-Nate Michaelis and Casonya Reika (A couple) walk down the hall laughing with their clique. they push Maka into they locker and laugh.-
Nate Michaelis: "Lets go, this runt is crashing my mood, I'm out!"
(He laughs and walks away.)
-Casonya kicks Maka who's on the ground, and hurries over to Nate, her boyfriend. Casonya grabs Nate's hand, and they walk down the hall laughing as their clique surronds them. they're making fun of Maka, and Maka can hear it. She grabs her things that went all over the floor and got up, trying to ignore the pain in her ribs, from when Casonya kicked her. Maka walks to  Gym  and mumbles to herself. She walks up to Torao Kaito who is their Gym teacher who they call Mr. Kaito.-
Maka: "Sorry I'm late Mr. Kaito, I kinda...."
(Mr. kaito interupts Maka in mid sentence.)
Mr. Kaito: "It's fine, we're doing the mile, so you can swim with the swim team today. They're not really doing anything today, and also class is longer today because of the schdule for today, so not hurry up and go get changed."
Maka: "Oh kay, and thank you Mr. Kaito!"
(Maka says as she turns around and jogs to the locker room, making her voice fade.)
Lyiod: "Bloody hell, why does she get to be lucky? It's so hot out, I wish I could swim, exspecailly with the girl's swim team!"
Dax:" True, but she can't run remember. Mr Kaito said she didn't have to run, or do a lot of other activities. I don't know why, Maka, or Mr. Kaito won't tell me why, but I don't really think it matters. So yeah she is lucky, but I think the swim team's off today, because they're not out at the pool, see."
(Dax points to the pool.)
Lyiod: "Yeah I see, but Maka likes to swim alone, so I guess she'll be fine. Wait nevermind, the swim team just came out and Maka's already in the pool."
Dax: " Oh i see the team now, but aye look Maka's going to dive, look!"
(Dax points at Maka on the high drive as she drive off and does a triple spin back flip and than a dive.)
Lyiod: "Oh crud! She's really good at diving."
Dax: "Ye.."
(Mr. Kaito Relises that Lyiod and Dax are slacking off, so he yells at them cutting Dax off before he could finish his word.)
Mr. Kaito: "Lyiod, Dax! Keep running, or yours will be graded!"
Lyiod And Dax: "Yes Sir!"
(They both speed up after they yelled replying to Mr. Kaito.)
-Everyone running the mile, finishes. Lyiod came in third and Dax came in first. Mr. Kaito anounces that the mile is not going to be graded since everyone dd a great job. After Mr. Kaito dismisses them, they all go into the seperate locker rooms(Boys and girls), where they took their showers and changes back into their school uniforms. Shortly after the swim team came in and went into the girls locker room.-
(Showers get turned on as the water sizzles on the floor and lockers begin to open, squeeking, but the sounds get muffled by the noises by the girls voices, giggling and laughing.)
Girl student one: "Ew, look at Maka she's so ugly!"
(She laughs)
Girl student two: "Haha, yay she is!"
(She's laughing too)
Girl student one: "Yeah, she needs to go back to being homeschooled. No one likes  her anyway, and if they do they're lieing, and faking it to make her feel better."
Girl student two: "Mhm, she needs to or she'll end up dead like the last girl."
(She grabs her towl and puts it on walking to her locker with her friend.)
-Maka Ignores them as they leave the shower area. Maka can hear them still, their lockers are pretty close to her shower. Maka can hear them making fun of her, and a bunch of their friends join in. Maka washes her hair and gets out, turning the nob making it squeek just a little. She grabs her towl, wraps it around her and heads towards her locker. She grabs her clothes and begins to put them on. She hears the girls in the locker room, but they're all together, but all in a group. She hears the sounds of a video and the sound of girls shreking laughter. She finally has her uniform on, and she puts her shoes on. After she walks over to the group of girls and looks over their shoulders. She can barley see what the video is, but one of the girls stands up and hits Maka, and Maka studders backwards and the girl yells at Maka and walks away. Everyone looks at Maka, laughs and they all get up going back to their lockers. They all pick up their  things and leave. Maka as usaual grabs her things and walks to class, but it looks like the teacher let them out early, so when Maka got to the classroom, no one was there. Not even their teacher, who is usaual there. Maka scans the room once again, but again it came up clean. Not a single soul was there; so Maka goes to her desk sits down and puts her things away, except for her book. Maka begins to read, only having three pages left until she has completely finshed the entire book. Finally the teacher comes in, but not their same teacher. It looks like they have a subsitute for the rest the day, because maybe Miss Makato left because she got sick, or had an erran to do. maka finishes the last page and puts it away, but than grabbing her sketch pad. She begins to Sketch on it, and still the subsitute hasn't noticed her presence yet.  Eventually the class finally arrives to class and sits down, and they all begin to talk. The subsitute walks to the chalkboard and picks up a piece of chalk silently, as everyone continued to talk and laugh.-
(The subsitute's writes on the chalkboard which spells out Mr. Kayta, but in parathesis is Marcato Kayta.)
Marcato Kayta: "Oh kay class, open your books to page 217."
(Noises of books being put on the desk and pages wrustling as they being to turn to where they left off. Mr. Kayta opens the seating chart, looks for Casonya's name, and asks her a question.)
Mr. Kayta: "Casonya Reika will you please read for us today?"
Casonya: "Oh kay."
(Casonya flips one more page and begins to read at the top of page two-seventeen.)
-Casonya reads out loud to the class. Everyone listens to her and looks at their books, following along with her.-
Mr. Kayta: "Casonya, please read to the end of this chapter and I will pick someone new, thank you."
(Casonya nods.)
-Casonya reads to the rest of the chapter, and stops. Mr. Kayta thanks her and he looks back at the seating chart, looking for somone new to have read. He looks as Maka's name and looks at her.-
Mr. Kayta: "Maka Alburn. Can you please read for us?"
(Maka ignores him.)
Mr. Kayta: "Maka! Are you even with us?"
(Maka isn't paying attention, and Mr. Kayta yells.)
Mr. Kayta: "Maka!"
(Maka jumps in her seat a little, but looks up at him and replies.)
Maka: "Y-Yes?"
(Mr. Kayta gets a little annoyied)
Mr. Kayta: "Please read for us."
-Maka flips to the chapter after the one Casonya read-
(Pages wrustle.)
(Mr. Kayta sighs and rubs his head.)
Mr. Kayta: "Chapter Twenty-One, page three-thirteen."
-Maka flips to Chapter Twenty-One, page three-thirteen. Maka begins to read to the class  from her seat like Casonya did.-
(Mr. Kayta yells.)
Mr. Kayta: "I can't hear you, speak louder!"
(The class giggles)
-Maka rolls her eyes and talks louder; she keeps reading on.-
(Mr. Kayta yells once again.)
Mr.Kayta: "Now don't make me go over there and read this for you. I said speak louder, now!"
-Maka reads loud enough for him to hear and Mr. Kayta is now sadisfied. She reads three more chapters. It's now five minutes before the first block of their peirod ends. Mr. Kayta stops  Maka, thanks her in a way and tells the class to takes notes on what they have just read.-
(Pencils hit the table and write.)
-Maka writes her notes, but she finishes, even though she seemed like she wasn't paying attention, she was, just not the way others may pay attention. They still have more than half of class, but less than three quaters. Maka didn't have a book to read, so she went up to Mr. Kayta and asked if she can go to her locker and get a book. He told her no, and to go sit down. So she sat down and waited for the class to end. Finally after thirdy minutes past and the last person finished their notes. The bell rang and a sigh of relief came apon Maka.-
( Dax and Lyiod walked over to Maka.)
Dax: "Maka, we have our little meeting today for me and Lyiod's group project for class, so we can't walk home with you today, we're really sorry, about this. I know it's such a short notice, but one of our project group memebers didn't come up to us til after class to tell us about it."
Lyiod: "Maka, we're really sorry."
Maka: "Guys, it's fine I understand. Now go before your late, I'll be fine walking home. Well I guess, I'll see you tomarrow."
Lyiod and Dax: "Thanks Maka, you're the best!"
(Dax and Lyiod both hug Maka, and Maka smiles at them.)
-Lyiod and Dax both leave running down the hallway and down the stairs, into the art room. Maka gets up and grabs her things, walking right to the door. She exits the room leaveing Mr. Kayta in the room, washing the chalk off the chalkboard. Everyone starts to head out of the school building.-
(Sounds of slamming lockers, screams of laughter, stomping of shoes being put on and shoes being taking off.)
-Maka Walks down the hallway and down the stairs to her locker in the front of the building, where everyone elses lockers are. She opens her locker and takes off her school shoes  and puts on her other shoes. She locks her locker and walks out, holding her things. She walks down to the sidewalk and walks home. It's nice out, like the kind of weather you swim in. Maka walks down the pathway leading to her neighborhood which is streamed next to a river. Unfortunally Maka has to walk home today, but Maka doesn't mind. The day has a nice breeze to it and pushes her hair out of her eyes. No one really seen her face before, or the color of her eyes, and her eyes  are a nice ember, with a tint of red and a little tear drop of black on the side of it. No one knows what her eyes and face looks like, anyway, and even before her sister's accident. Which lead to her father to kill himself, because he thought it was all his fault her sister died.  No one remembers her sister anyway, not even her sister's friends, or her family. It's like her existance of her being on earth, or even existing has vanished, except for the memories that Maka still has in her head. Finally Maka reaches her house and opens the door.-
(Maka's hair falls back onto her face and she scans the house and yells.)
Maka: "Mom, you home? Mom!"
(No one answers.)
Maka: Mom, you there?!"
-Maka goes to her room, puts her things down, and opens her mothers room down the hall. She scans it, and seems to be that no ones there. So Maka grabs her across the chest, side shoulder bookbag, and stuffs her pencils, color pencils, markers, crayons, sharpies, and anything else she can use to draw with like: her ruler, eraser, shape utencils, and sketch book. She zips it up, puts it across her chest, grabs her mp3 player and walks out the door, closing it behind her. Maka's mother won't be home until very late at night, so Maka doesn't have to worry about her mother worring about where she is, and if her mom does come home, and Maka isn't there, her mother doesn't care anyway. Maka heads down the driveway, and down the sidewalk. Heading back towards her school. Maka Goes to the tree near a little dock and sits down under the tree on the bench. She pulls out her sketch book, her pencil, and puts in her ear buds. She then turns on her music, and sketch the scenery of the river and the dock.-
(Loud sounds of laughter and talking approach Maka, but doesn't reach her all the way.)
-A group of students from Maka's school are all in their bathing suits. They run down with towels, a circle tube, and sunscreen. They all put on sunscreen and place their things together. They all walk onto the edge of the dock, and one girl throws her tube into the water and jumps into it so she can sit on it. The other girl didn't want to jump in so the taller brunette boy grabs her and jumps in holding her. She shreks with screams and splashes him. He's laughing, with his buddy as they splash eachother. The other jump in also to join them; they all look like they're having a lot of fun. Maka wishes she could have friends to do that with, but all she has is Dax and Lyiod and they're always bussy with their own things.-
(A bike bell rings, and a cling of a bike post stand being pushed out.)
-One of their friends arrived, and he grabs his towel and runs over to them. He trhows his towel onto theirs, and takes of his sweat shirt and shoes. He runs onto the dock and jumps of landing into the water, splashing the blonde girl on the tube. the boy from the bike went under the blonde and pushed her off her tube; she fell into the water and when she arosed out from under the clear water she jumpped at the boy and they went back under. They came back up and started to laugh, and than later, they all got out to dry off. Maka's now coloring it which now makes it looks so magical, and beautiful; She's still listening to her music.-
(Sounds of voices get drowned by the sound of music.)
-They all decide to go to get somthing to eat, so they grab their towels, put on their shoes, and cover ups and begin to walk down the road that only can be biked, walked, or scootered down.-
The boy from the bike: "Hey guys wait, I'm going to get my bike oh kay?"
The group of friends: " Oh kay, but hurry, we're hungry!"
(The blonde girl giggles.)
-He runs to his bike, kicks up his kick stand, but drops his wallet that fell out of his jacket as he hopped onto his bike. He rode over to them. Maka watches him from the corner of her eye. She sees he dropped his wallet, and puts her things down. Maka grabs his wallet and walks over to him. The boy feels for his wallet and turns around, to see Maka holding it. He waits for her to reach him.-
(Maka pulls out her ear buds.)
Maka: "Hey um, you dropped your wallet."
(She hands the wallet to him and he grabs it.)
The boy on the bike: "I kinda relised that, but anyway thanks for giving it back."
Maka: "No problem."
(The boy on the bike smiles and waves goodbye.)
-He rides over to his friends who are further up the road, as Maka walks over to the bench and finishes to color the people in the river playing. She finishes twenty minutes later and decides to go somewhere else. So Maka packs up her things and walks down the road. She walks past the school, and past the little dinner, where the group of friends from the river are at, eating and laughing.-
(The sounds of cars drive by.)
-The car gives off air that hits Maka's face again. She turns her face so the air won't push her hair out of her face, but it hits her side of her head. She continues down the road and heads to the park. She doesn't know why she didn't go to the park closer to her, but she didn't care. She Places her bookbag down next to the railing that holds the swings up, and she sits on the swing.-
(Maka sighs.)
-She closes her eyes and begins to swing slightly. Not shortly after she begins to swing higher and higher, listening to the sound of her music that blasts into her ears. Maka opens her eyes to see a girl hurt herself, from climbing on the jungle jim; Maka just watches as the girl wails loudly. Her mother comes running over and makes the little girl feel better. The mother grabs the girl's hand and walks home. An hour or so later it's around five o'clock, and Maka decides to go some place else. She slowly stops the swing, hops of, grabs her bag, and walks out of the park. Maka walks down the street to a drug store.-
(Maka opens the door and a little ching of a bell rings.)
-Maka walks over to isle six and grabs a tiny bag of chips, and a water. She pulls her money out of her skirt, and hands the check out lady her two iteams. She scans the the water and the tiny bag of chips.-
Check Out Lady: "That will be three twenty-nine."
(Maka hands her three fifty.)
-The Check Out Clerk hands Maka thirdy one cents, and Maka puts the change in the book bag. Than Maka grabs her water and chips and leaves the Store.-
(The store bells chings with a ring of the bell.)
-Maka walks down the road again and opens her chips eating it. She than finds a trash can and throws the bag away. Maka opens the cap of the water bottle, and takes a sip of water and closes the cap on the top, holding it in her left hand. She walks past a doll shop, but then stops in her tracks. Maka walks back to the window, and looks into the window, looking at all the  cool dolls. She opens the door and enters; Maka looks around, but take her mp3 player and turns the music off, and takes her ear buds out. She hears a voice and turns around.-
(Doll Store Worker Looks up from the desk.)
Doll Store Worker: "Hello, are you here to buy? Everything is exspensive here, but since you're a student from a school, you can get everything half off."
(Maka nods.)
Doll Store Worker: "You can have a look around."
(Maka nods.)
-Once more Maka looks around the store, and then stares at the one doll who has demon eyes. She turns around to look at the Worker, but she's just stareing down. Maka looks around and sees stairs going downwards, so she walks over to it. She looks once again over to the worker, and she's still looking down. Maka looks down the dark stairs and walks down the stairs slowly. Once she reaches the bottom of the stairs she turns and looks to her left and sees more dolls. She looks around, and sees a big coffin, with a real life doll in it. Maka Walks over to it and looks at it. She reaches over to it and almost touches it when someone comes from the back push the curtain out of the way and stands there.-
Niel Keiko: "You thought it was real didn't you?"
(Makes gets starttled.)
Niel Keiko: "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to starttle you."
Maka: "It's f-fine."
Niel Keiko: "Their so beautiful arn't they?"
Maka: "Yeah, unique and amazing. Did you make these?"
Niel: "No, My mother made these, she's very talented."
(Maka looks down.)
Maka: "Wow, she really is."
Niel: "You oh kay?"
Maka: "Yeah, I'm fine."
Niel: Oh kay, Just making sure. Doesn't this doll look like me?"
(Niel walks over to the life size doll and pushes the dolls bangs out of it's face.)
Maka: "Yeah, It's does, a lot actually."
Niel: "Yeah."
(The clock dings upstairs.)
-Niel looks at his watch.-
Niel: "Um, well."
(Maka interupts him.)
Maka: "It's Maka, Maka Alburn."
Niel: "Well, Maka, it's almost nine o'clock. You might wanna go home, and I'm Niel Keiko."
Maka: "Oh kay, well nice place. I'll go then."
Niel: "Goodbye."
-Maka turns around to say goodbye, but Niel's gone. Maka goes upstairs, looks at the lady, who's still stareing at the ground, and leaves the store.-
(Maka thinks to herself: "Well that was weird, but nothing here is ever normal anyway.")
-Maka walks home, and enters the house around ten o'clock. Maka's mom, is not home still.-
(Maka sighs.)
-Maka walks into her bedroom and, takes her things out and puts them back. She goes and takes her shower, dries off, changes into her Pajamas and goes to bed. In the morning, Maka is walking to school alone, as usaual. She enters the classrooom, and finds no ones here yet, even the teacher. So Maka sits down at her seat and waits for everyone to come in. Five minutes later everyone piles in and sits in their seats, laughing and giggling. Fianlly the teacher comes in late, very late, but it's not their usual teacher, and it's not Mr. Kayta. This guy lookes creeper, and scarier. He grabs chalk and writes his name in big letters across the board.-
(The chalk screeches against the board.)
-The strange man puts lots of pressure on the chalk he's using. As he writes, Casonya reads it aloud very slowly.-
Casonya: "M..r...S..l..i..t..o..."
(Casonya gasps.)
-Everyone is dead silent, and Maka just stares at the board.-
(One boy brakes the silence.)
Student Boy: "Where's Miss Makato!"
Mr. Slito: "She's gone, and I'm your new teacher."
Student Girl: "What do you mean, "She's gone?"
Mr. Slito: "She's dead."
Casonya: "How?!"
Mr. Slito: "In a car accident. Her car blew up in flames, and she couldn't move because the driver's wheel was stuck and was squeezing her into the seat. That's how!"
(Everyone gasps, and one girl wails with cries as Niel walks into the room and sits down.)
-Niel sits four seats up from Maka, and he turns around and smiles at her. Dax looks at Niel, and wonders who the bloody hell his is.-
(Mr. Slito Voices boom.)
Mr. Slito: "You're Late Mr. Niel."
Niel: "Sorry Sir."
Mr. Slito: "No more excuses."
Niel: "Oh kay sir."
-Everyone is frightened by their new teacher and just is quite. Maka reads his name to herself silently, over four times.-
(Maka thinks to herself: Today is really weird, quite weird. Even the teacher is hmph.")
Mr. Slito: "Oh kay class, now open your books and start reading from where you left off yesturday."
-Everyone gets their books out, silent as can be.-
Mr. Slito: "Niel can you please read today?"
Niel: "Yes sir."
-Niel begins to read to the entire class. Mr. Slito never told him to stop, so Niel read up until the end of class. While Niel was reading one of the girls fainted and her friends ran to her, and helped her up. One of the girls screamed, but someone calmed her down. One of the girl who fainted friends walked her down to the nurse's room and stayed their with her.-
(Mr. Slito dismisses the class for lunch.)
Mr. Slito: "If you're all done making a big deal out of everything, you can all have lunch."
-Everyone goes and grabs their lunch and heads off to eat. Today only Maka, Dax, Lyiod, and Niel stay in the classroom to eat lunch today. Mr. Slito stares at them while they talk. Maka glances over every so often.-
Dax: "Maka, you ok?"
Maka: "Yeah."
Lyiod: "Dax, she's spooked by our subsitute teacher."
Dax: "So am I, he gives me the hebby jebbies."
Niel: "Me too."
Maka: "Yeah, he does scare me a little."
Dax, Lyiod and Niel: "Yay."
(Niel grabs everyones trash and throws it away.)
Dax: "Maka I think Niel likes you."
Maka: "No he doesn't."
Dax: "Yes he does, I see how he looks at you."
Maka: "Are you jealous?"
(Dax looks away.)
Dax: "N-no, I'm not jealous."
Maka: "Sure."
(Lyiod looks at Maka.)
Lyiod: "I'm with Dax on this one, I do think Niel likes you too."
Maka: "I don't understand."
Lyiod: "It's so obvious he likes you. We see how he looks at you, and how he smiles at you. He totally likes you. I don't understand how you can't see that."
Maka: "Because I don't understand oh kay? I don't know, maybe he's just friendly."
Lyiod: "Maka don't be silly.
(Maka looks at the window.)
Maka: "What ever."
(Niel comes back.)
Niel: "What's going on?"
Maka, Dax, and Lyiod: "Nothing."
Niel: "Oh kay..."
(Lyiod, Dax, and Niel go back to their seats.)
-Lunch ends and everyone is back in their seats. Mr. Slito passes out the pre test that everyone has to fill out. Everyone starts on their Pre test, and as usaual Maka finishes first. She wait ten minutes, and he desmisses the class. Maka goes to study hall instead of going to Gym. she reads a book and drifts off into her own thoughts. Class ends and someone shakes Maka's shoulder and she snaps out of it and goes back to Mr. Slito's classroom for the rest of the day.-
-Mr. Slito passes out their test from the chapters they read. It's the exact same thing they did on the pre test. Maka takes her time on her test.-
(Maka bites the eraser on her pencil and taps her pencil on the table.)
-Maka finishes her test and hands in her test into the folder that says "Tests" ontop of the bin. She walks to her seat, but gets up and walks up to Mr. Slito.-
Maka: "Mr. Slito?"
Mr. Slito: "Yes?"
Maka: "Can I go to my locker and get my book, so I can read?"
Mr. Slito: "Sure, go ahead."
Maka: "Thank you, Mr. Slito."
(Maka leaves the room.)
-Maka walks down the hall, and down the stairs. She touches the walls as she walks down the hall. She walks to her locker and opens it, a note flys out and falls to the ground. She bends down to get it, she reads the name at the top, which is addressed to her. She opens the note a begins to read it. when Maka opened it she got a paper cut, so she's holding her paper in one hand, and her finger in her mouth because her finger's bleeding.
The Note: "You're turning out to be just like you older dead sister. You didn't think anyone else would remember huh? I remember it all, everything that happened to your sister. I know what her note said, why she did it and where. Just like Mr. Slito said, "Watch out, some people aren't always who they seem to be."
(Maka Gasps and she widens her eyes.)
-Maka closes her locker and locks it with her book in her hand. Maka begins to walk back to her classroom and she continues to read the note.-
The Note: "I know you're going to end up like your sister, and that's such a pitty, a real pitty. Watch your back, because anything can happen now."
-Maka turns left, and heads down the hallway and is still reading.-
The note: "Let me explain, Once you get this it should be just a little past november, and two people should have died already. So it should have already started, and each month a person will die. Once they die their exsitance disappears like they were never even born. there's only one way to stop this for good, well for a long time, hopefully. But I won't tell you how to do it, because that's your job, but here's a hint. Someone here's already dead, but they don't know it. they look real, feel real, act real, and no one else knows their dead too. That's the cause of death each month. It's because they are an extra, because a long time ago, there was this girl, she died. But everyone was in shock so then one kid said she's not dead. Everyone agreed, and they acted like she was still there. Acting like she answered questions, taking her attendence, and talking to her. This let the dead come into the school, and that's why this happens when there's a new student, because there isn't enough room, because one year there was a desk missing.  No one's safe, not even you, or your friends, anyone, family, teachers, students at school, their family, but it's only the people that live in this town. If you are not in this town you're safe, but once you get back your not safe once again.To the dead it's just a game, a shameless game that amuses them. I think the last person who was dead, mummbled, "This game is not over, so let our Dead games begin."
-Maka reaches the Northwest stairs case, because she took the long way, so she can read this long note.-
(An echo of someone's foot steps running down the hall, up the stairs.)
-The girl is holding an umbrella, but she trips as she takes her steps down the stairs. Maka sees that her shoe laces are untied. the girl falls down the stairs, hitting her head, and she loses grip of her umbrella that falls to the bottom opening up. the girl opens her eyes and screams like bloody murder, and the umbrella pierces right through her neck. She blood gushes out of her body and trickles out of her mouth. Within thirdy seconds there's a giant puddle of blood on the floor, that's creaping towards Maka's feet. The girl just died right infront of Maka less than two minutes. It was over just like that.-
(Maka's arm begins to shake.)
-Maka's eyes flutter down to the note once again. She reads the last sentence of it.-
The Note: "So let the games begin."
-Maka shuts down and stares at the note. She's in fear, and she drops it in the blood, bleacching in bloody red. Maka drops to the ground, sitting in the blood that's all over the ground. She takes in a deep breathe, and picks up the note and puts it in her pocket. The blood is staining Maka's clothes.
(Maka's body begins to shake.)
-All Maka can hear is her own breathe, the screams of terror, blood dripping onto the ground, and the sound of people's feet hitting the floor, as they run towards the horror. People try to help Maka up, but all she does is stare at the ground. In the end, Maka faints and gets sent to the hospital.-
(Maka's eyes begin to close, and the noise gets drowned out.)
-Maka wakes up, to have Niel, Lyiod, and Dax sitting there waiting for her to wake up. Maka sits up and Dax, Lyiod, and Niel greet her.-
Dax: "Well looks like someone's awake."
(Dax smiles at Maka.)
Maka: "Yeah, well it's nice to see you guys are here for me."
Lyiod and Niel: "We'll always be here for you, even Dax will."
(Maka giggles and smiles.)
Maka: "Thanks guys, this means a lot to me."
Lyiod, Dax, and Niel: "Always."
Dax: "Is anything a matter Maka?"
Maka: "No."
Dax: "You sure?"
(Maka sighs.)
Maka: "No."
Lyiod: "Talk to us about it."
Niel: "Yeah tell us, please, we're here for you."
Maka: "Oh kay, well um. It spooked me."
Dax: "What, about that girl?"
Maka: "Yesh, and it made me think about my sister, I saw her kill herself, I watched all of it, not knowing anything. I didn't know what was going young, I was to little than. And I had a flash back to when my house go burnt down, that how my dad killed himself, he burnt down our house. To take all the memories away, because he thought it was all his fault. He through me and my mother in the pool, he died, and fell into the pool, I went to the bottom of the pool, I couldn't swim yet. So I fainted, losing my breathe, my mom saved me and she held me in the water, as I woke up I saw it our house burning, we watched it. In the back ground you could hear sirens, and lights flashing all over. There was a sixteen year old, I think he dove in and saved my mom and me and helped us out and into a big car. This happened one year later, after my sister died. Me and my mother lived, my mom saved me. If it wasn't for her I would be dead, that's why she's never home, to keep herself bussy, so she doesn't get all those memories back. Until this day, those memories still haunt me."
Dax, Lyiod, and Niel: "Oh... Maka, we're so sorry."
Maka: "I don't need any sympathy, but thanks guys."
Dax: "Maka, In your sleep you were mummbling somthing about a note."
(Maka looks out the window.)
Maka: "Oh that.."
Lyiod: "Maka, you don't have to share, if you don't want to."
Maka: "No, I want to."
Niel: "Oh kay, go ahead, please?"
Maka: "Dax go into my skirt pocket and grab the note read it."
Dax: "Oh kay."
(Dax walks over to her skirt and reaches into her pocket and grabs the note.)
-He opens the note and reads it aloud, so Lyiod and Niel can hear. After Dax almost finished reading, the elevator broke.-
(Girl screeches for help.)
-The girl was at the top of the hospital, she works there and she was on here brake. She pressed the elevator button and the lights turned off. The rope broke and it fell all the way to the bottom, the basement. The elevator crashed and and broke, having the girl's body disorted and her blood flooded everywhere. all ver the elevator was full of blood, and her head was hanging on a string to her body.-
(Screams echo through the hospital.)
-Dax finishes the sentence-
Dax: "So let the game begin."
-Everyone sits in silence, scared. Chaos is going on outside of Maka's hospital room. Everyone is panicing, freaking out, screaming and running out of the building. Dax, Niel, Lyiod, and Maka, just sat there in complete silence, and they didn't leave the room. They all slept there, and Maka was discharged the next day. Maka Walked to school the day she got discharged, and today Niel, Dax, and Lyiod walked with her, because they went to her house, to wait for her. they found out the girl who died, was one of Nate and Casonya's clique died.-
~Six mothns later, three girls, one boy, and two teachers died. No ones safe, never, not after its started.~
-One of their teacher commited suicde infront of his entire class, and Maka happened to be delievering papers to him from Mr. Slito. Maka's been through so much this year. Mr. Slito decides to take the class on a field trip. Everyone went home that day, and the next day, they brought their things. they will be spending three days, and two nights there.-
(Everyone piles onto the bus.)
-Niel and Lyiod sit together, Nate and Casonya sat together, Maka Sat next to Ciel Bochan because Dax was late to get on the bus, so he had to sit next to one of Nate and Casonya's clique members.  It took about two and a half hours to get there, because they had to go across town, and into a forest where the mansion lays. Fianlly they got there, and everyone was so cramped. They all piled out.-
Mr. Slito: "Um, can someone take a picture of all of us?"
The Bus Driver: "I will."
(The bus driver grabs the camera.)
The Bus Driver: "Oh kay everyone get together."
-Everyone gets together and they have to squish kinda together to get everyone.-
(The Bus Driver takes the picture.)
-He gives the camera back to Mr. Slito, nods and then gets back onto the bus and drives off. Everyone grabs their suit cases, and other things and heads to the mansion. The House Keeper and Cheif greets them outside and shows them their rooms.-
House Keeper: "Oh kay everyone dinner will be ready at five."
Class: "Oh kay."
(Mr. Slito nods at them.)
-At five everyone goes to dinner and eats, they also have dessert. After they all went back to their rooms, everyone shares a room with two others. girls with girls, and boys with boys. They all go to sleep fine that night. In the morning, everyone heads down to the dinning hall to eat breastfast.-
One Student: "Dang, it's like a feast in here!"
Second Student: "Yeah, we're going to be eating like queens and kings for the next few days!."
Other students: "Yeah, this is going to be great!"
-Everyone goes and sits down, but Maka comes in late and everyone is eating. Maka scans the room.-
Ciel Bochan: "Hey Maka, I saved you a seat."
Maka: "Oh, thanks Ciel, your to sweet."
Ciel: "No problem."
(Maka goes to sit down next to Ciel.)
-Maka begins to eat, and she relises that Lyiod, Dax, and Niel are at the same table. they're all talking about somthing really stupid.-
(Dax looks at Lyiod.
Dax: "So you're basically hitting on the house maid?"
Lyiod: "So, dude. she's young, hot, and I got to talk to her. she's totally worth hitting on. Did you know she's homeschool, so she can work her with her brother. they're our age! Her uncle used to own this place but he died recently, so they dropped out of our school, and work here!"
Dax: "Oh dang. Oh kay, I understand you now."
(Maka and Ciel just listen to them and eat.)
Niel: "Haha, dax I already called dibs on her second now."
Dax: "You already called...What the bloody hell Lyiod, you're that desprite?!"
Lyiod: "No, but she gave me her number, so I already get to have her first."
Dax: "You guys are crazy."
(Niel and Lyiod high five and laugh.)
Niel and Lyiod: "We know!"
(Maka giggles.)
-Everyone keeps chattering and eats more. Mr. Slito make an anouncement.-
Mr. Slito: "Oh kay everyone around four we will be going up the moutain to go pray to a sacride statue, to see if we can have the gods help us with the curse of our school, to lift it."
Everyone :"Oh kay."
Mr. Slito: "Thank you very much. You all can go back to do what ever you were all doing."
-Everyone goes back to eating and after everyone leaves and go back to their rooms, and walk around the mansion to get to know it better. Maka helps The Cheif clean up and clean the dishes.-
The Cheif: "Thanks Miss."
Maka: "You're welcome."
(The Cheif nods at her.)
-Maka walks back to her room, and then joins everyone outside so they can climb the moutain. Forty-five minutes later they reach the top. they go inside, and then begin to pray for two hours. It begins to rain, thunder and lightening soon follow.-
Mr. Slito: "Everyone lets head back before its gets really bad."
(Everyones nods.)
-Everyone begins to walk down the moutain, when someone that brought an umbrella gets strucken by lightening and dies on the spot. Everyone begins to panic and scream. they all run down the hill. Dax and Lyiod are already down the hill and in the mansion, they're soaking wet. Niel is carrying a girl who fell and twisted her anckle, but he's almost at the mansion, he's walking up the little pathway.It's pouring and it's already getting worse by the minute. Two girls who are best friends, run into a cave, where a bear lies. The one girl is crying and panicing.-
Girl one: "We're going to do, we're going to die. We're so screwed, Oh my god I'm so scared. We're going to die, God please save us."
(She hugs her best friend trying to comfort her.)
Girl two: "It's oh kay, we're safe now. Don't worry, just don't panic."
(A loud roar echos behind them.)
-A bear roars and attacks them slashing the one girl in half and the other girl really injured.-
(Shreeks of horror anf fear echo through the cave and the forest.)
-The bear chews on the dead girl while the other is laying there bleeding, and dieing to death. she watches her best friend being eaten. She cries, but the bear claws at her torso and she begins to bleed out more. Maka stops and turns to where the screams came from, but lightening his right infront of Maka, making her back up tripping over a tree root. She falls down the hill, and screams. Ciel stops and turns around to find Maka's not there, he runs over to the edge of the hill, and sees shes laying down at the bottom. He slides down the hill, almost falling, but he reaches the bottom. He helps Maka up, and she's in a lot of pain. Everyone who survived are at the mansion. Maka and Ciel Walk down the path, they can barely see because of the rain pour so hard down on them. They stumble a little every now and than, and Maka is all cut up, and Ciel is kinda cut up, but they're both drench and soaked in water. A girl walks up to the mansion, with an axe in her right hand, dragging it in the mud making a trail. She came from the forest and she walks into the mansion. She goes into the kitchen where The Cheif's cooking dinner. She kills him and the kitchen gets set on fire. She walks out and goes up the stairs and hides. Dax walks to the Dinning Hall, He opens the door and the whole room's on fire. He quickly closes it, and run upstairs and goes and warns everyone.-
(The axe bangs against the wall.)
-Everyone is starting to go crazy, they all heard about the note. Lyiod blabbed about it, saying if we kill the Dead One, the curse would stop. It's just a game. Everyone acusses Maka for being the dead one, and they all go look for her. Dax stops them.-
Dax: "Guys the Dinning Hall's on fire! Trust me!"
(Everyone gasps.)
-They all think Maka did it, but Dax trys to tell them that she's still out on the moutain, but no one will believe them. they all get somthing that they can attack with and all go and look for her inside the mansion. By the time Ciel, and Maka fianally get to the mansion, it's completely on fire. They both run inside, and its full of smoke.-
(A girl screams.)
One girl: "There she is, get her!"
-Two people that heard run to the main hall, and try to attack them. Ciel grabs Maka, and they run away, but behind them a piece of the mansion came down so the people chasing them couldn't get to them. They run up the stairs and they pass another person. He throws his knife at Maka, and cuts her arm. She grabs her arm and tries not to scream, and Ciel turns around and grabs her.-
Ciel: "Come on, we have to hide!"
-Ciel and Maka gets stopped by three girls. Casonya, and two of her friends.-
Casonya: "Maka caused all this, she's the dead, once don't you see Ciel, ever since she got here people we're dieing!"
Ciel: "That's not true, Maka's cousin died a month before she started here!"
Casonya: "Bull! she's the dead one, we have to kill her!"
Ciel: "I won't let you!"
(Maka grabs Ciel's hand, and pulls him the other way.)
-Someone's on the other side and tries to hit Maka. Ciel grabs it and uses the back of it and hit him on the head makeing him fall to the floor. Casonya strikes for Maka, but Ciels pulls her away, and runs the other way. Another piece of the mansion falls in their way, and Casonya and her friends are following them. Ciel drags Maka down another hall and down a stair case. They're half way down the first flight and someone's coming up them. They turn around but the way they came is not blocked. Stephen Yagmi has a crowbar in his left hand, walking up the stairs. Nate, he has a butcher knife in his hand, and he climbed through the blocked entrence. He pushes Maka onto the floor and pushes the knife to her heart, but she's trying to push the knife away. Ciel, kicks Nate off her. Nate grabs the knife and aims for Ciel but misses, Ciel is stuck between someone coming up the stairs and Nate. Maka pushes Nate away and he falls. He gets up and Maka is standing on the wood, that's in the way. Nate aims his knife, but the wood shifts and the rope next to him wraps around his neck, killing him. He beings to have a seziure and trys to get the rope off, but Nate sufficates to death. He drops his knife on the floor, and hangs there. Maka, witnessing this is in shock, because he held her up agasinst the wall and almost killed her.-
Ciel: "Maka you ok?!"
Maka: "Yeah, I think so."
(Maka picks up the knife.)
Ciel: "Come on, Stephen's coming, we need to hurry and get out of here, before we both and before the house burns down!"
Maka: "Oh kay!"
-Stephen looks at Nate hanging there, and looks at Maka, she's holding the knife. Stephen gets mad.-
Stephen Yagmi: "You kill him... You killed Nate. You are the dead one, and now you should die! DIE THE DEAD ONE!"
(Stephen goes to stab Maka.)
-Maka dodges and runs past him and runs down the stairs. Stephen grabs Maka by the hair and puts the crowbar to her neck.-
Stephen: "Die you dead one!"
Maka: "Ciel! Help me! Help!"
(Maka Screams.)
-Ciel turns around and runs back up the stairs trying to save Maka.-
Stephen: "Don't come any closer Ciel, if you do I'll kill her here and now, right infront of you."
Maka: "Ciel, listen to him, I don't want you to watch me be killed."
Ciel: "But I don't want you to die! What am I suppose to do, let you die! Oh bloody hell no! I would regreat that if I left you like this. At least I will try to help you, even if I die trying!"
Maka: "Ciel, just leave, save yourself. It would hurt me to know you died because of me, everyone's dieing because of me. Just go save yourself, before you get trapped here too!"
(A tear falls down Maka's face.)
Lyiod: "Maka!"
(Lyiod aims the pistals at Stephen.)
Lyiod: "Let her go, now!"
Stephen: "Never, you would have to kill me before I let her go!"
(Stephen takes his crowbar and his Make with it.)
-Maka falls to the floor and Ciel runs up to her.-
Lyiod: "Die!"
(Lyiod shoots Stephen.)
-Stephen's blood goes everywhere, and falls to the floor. Dead in his own puddle of blood. Lyiod goes over to Maka to see if she's oh kay. Ciel helps Maka up, but Maka has a big gash in her head. She's bleeding, but they have to get out.-
Lyiod: "Maka, Ciel have you seen Dax, and Niel?!"
Maka and Ciel: "No, I thought you did!"
Lyiod: "Bloody Hell! I hope they got out.
Maka: "Me too."
Ciel: "Yeah, but come on we need to get out!"
-Ciel leads Maka, and Lyiod through the mansion, but they keep gettig blocked off with burning wood that fell. Dax and Niel are being chased by Elfen Soul Evans. Elfen walk towards them carring the axe.-
Elfen Soul Evans: "Aww, come on guys it won't hurt, it's not that bad, it only take a seoncd, it's painless, come back please."
Dax: "Dude this chick's nuts!"
Niel: "I know, just keep running!
Dax: "This way!"
Niel: "Oh kay!"
-Dax and Niel run into a bedroom and lock the door. Elfen uses her axe, and starts destroying the door.-
Elfen: "You Can't run forever, just let me kill you, it be painless I promsie."
Niel: "The window Dax, The window, hurry before she brakes the door open!"
Dax: "I'm on it!"
-Elfen keeps hitting the axe and braking the door, she's almost broken the door completely.-
Niel: "Dax! hurry!"
Dax: "Got it, come on!"
-Dax gets out the window and Niel follows. Elfen brakes the door and grabs Niel's leg and pulls him back.-
Niel: "Dax, help me!"
Dax: "Don't worry, I got you!"
(Dax grabs Niel's hand.)
Elfen: "He's mine!"
Niel: "Dax!"
-Dax pulls Niel out the window, and Elfen goes out the window too, but loses them because they run to the front of the mansion. They that Mr. Slito and The house keeper are out front waiting next to the car. The house keeper sees that Niel's leg's bleeding badly, so so attends to him while they wait.-
Niel: "Thanks."
House keeper: "No problem."
-Lyiod, Maka and Ciel finally get back to the main hall, but Casonya and her friends are on the stairs. Pieces begin to fall down, and Casonya's friends attack them, but the burning pieces fell on two of them. Casonya's cousin, stabs Lyiod in the leg, but he punchs her making her hit the post and fall over it landing on her head, braking it, which killed her. Ciel pushes Maka out of the way from the burning wood that almost feel on her, and Casonya tries to stab her. Maka rolls and Casonya misses, and Maka ran up the stairs. She tried to run but the wood fell and blocked her way, Casonya strikes mutiply times, but misses. She pushes Maka down the stairs and Maka lands at the bottom. Casonya sits on her.-
Casonya: "Everything will be better after I kill you!"
(Casonya strikes at Maka missing her head by an inch.)
Maka: "Stop!"
-Ciel gets up and tackels Casonya; he punches her and her knife goes flying out of her hand. Ciel gets up and runs before the glass can shatter. The glass shatters all over Casonya, and Ciel walks over to her.-
Casonya: "It was you that day, you were here before."
Ciel: " I still don't rmemeber that."
Casonya: "You dummy, you should of just said you remembered."
-Maka grabs the knife and stabs Casonya and kills her. Maka runs away and the burning wood blocks Ciel from following her. Lyiod drags Ciel outside with the rest.-
Lyiod: "Come on we need to get out!"
-Ciel and Lyiod go outside and meets the others. Ciel runs back in and seraches, he goes out back and finds her. Shes holding an axe that Elfen used to try to kill Niel.-
Maka: "It was her, she's the dead one. She needs to die."
Ciel: "I never thought It would be my cousin, who would be the dead one, never thought it would be her."
(Maka rasies the axe.)
Ciel: "Stop, How do you know she's the dead one?"
Maka: "Because with my eyes I can see souls, and if I can't see them, they're dead."
Ciel: "Really how do you know?"
(Maka moves her hair out of her face.)
Maka: "Well when I look at you I can see your soul, and when I look at her I see nothing, but darkness. So she's the dead one, and she needs to die, then the curse will be lifted."
Ciel: "Then let me do it. Let me kill her."
(Maka hands him the Axe.)
-Ciel raises the axe and a tear goes down his eye.-
Ciel: "I'm sorry Elfen."
-He takes the axe and stabs with it three times. The curse was lifted after that. Ciel and Maka walked to the front of the house and got into the car. The next day, they went to her grave, where everyone else was barried that died that day. Soon they will forget the memory of them, and they will not exist anymore, all memeories will vanish. Maka, and Ciel walk back to the school, where Maka rewrite the note and hide it somewhere with a voice recording. They hid it in the old locker of the girl who died many years ago. Her locker still stands. Maka, Ciel, Niel, Dax, Lyiod, Mr. Slito, and The house keeper, we're the only ones who survived out of the twenty-three who went. And For now the curse has been lifted.-
i got bored and I had to make a sotry for class when I had school..Like a two months ago...And I made a fanFiction story without knowing it and I just found it..So here..
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